TCM and Qi

Traditional Chinese Medicine (called TCM) and its principles, such as Qi, are the by-product of spiritual practice. It is not a human-made system.

How can TCM deal so effectively with functional problems—things that often defy treatment at hospitals and clinics, sometimes over many years? How can one acupuncture needle, or a course of herbal therapy, effectively eliminate what has caused patients great misery, in some cases for decades? The answer goes back to “Aha-type” discoveries made by Qigong masters and TCM physicians as they accessed the workings of Natural Law during deep meditative states.

They observed the interplay in Nature such as how one season gives rise to the next and how each season has a purpose in the evolution of life. They applied these observations to the human body and discovered an invisible world where pathways carried energy through the body and to the organs.

Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners understand that Qi must flow in the body as a resource for all the organs to communicate and support one another.  This holistic approach is thousands of years old and takes into consideration all aspects of the body.  You with your environment, you with your relationships, you with your family etc.  An imbalance in any can create a disruption of Qi flow, which in turn creates discomforts and may turn into a more serious health issue.

This invisible communication of information allows the organs to fulfill their assigned duties. For example, the Liver and Gallbladder work together to continually create a state of balance within the body.  They also work with all other organs, recognizing that each plays an important role in sustaining life.

These sages connected the body’s functions to the five major elements of the planet—Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. They perceived the physical and energetic attributes of each of Nature’s elements and observed that everything contains Yin and Yang, two opposite yet complementary energies. Now, thousands of years later, physicists understand the principle of Yin-Yang as complementarity, one of the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics.

TCM’s view of prevention and its understanding of how to achieve wellness has a significant, complementary role to play when it comes to our chronic health issues.

Qi—Your Life Force

In the West, Qi is typically translated as power or animating force, but this is an incomplete explanation. The broader concept of Universal Qi is power or force that gets its direction and purpose from a conscious, aware intelligence. Have you ever wondered what kind of intelligence allows the ebb and flow of tides to keep pace with the lunar cycle? How a tree knows to sprout leaves on time every spring? Universal Qi allows all things to communicate with each other.

Every element of our world is an aspect or piece of Universal Qi—life in motion. You cannot exist for even one second without it. The body’s meridian network is a conduit for connecting to Universal Qi, which directs your conscious and unconscious actions. Without it, nothing can fulfill the requirements of Natural Law. There would be no birth, no growth or change, and no transformation from one state of being to another.

Qi is Life in motion. Without it nothing would be able to fulfill the requirements of Natural Law. There would be no birth, no growth or change, and no transformation from one state of being to the next. You cannot exist for even one second without Qi; it directs your conscious and unconscious actions.

The concept of Qi is at the heart of TCM. With thousands of years of direct observation and experience of Qi through spiritual and now scientific technologies, TCM has a unique understanding of Qi—how it functions and moves within the body, how it moves throughout Nature, and how its motions govern the vast Universe itself.

When we grasp Qi’s transformational qualities, it becomes evident nothing is unmovable, unworkable, or permanent. Every condition has the potential to be healed. Healing miracles happen when energy is transformed. Requirements must be met for this kind of change to occur. First, you must understand yourself.

Illness as the Language of the Body

The body manifests signs of imbalances eventually labeled as disease because a method for decoding these signs is unknown to us. But a system does exist and is knowable.

Four pillars create a framework to support this system. Each of these concepts can help us understand how to sustain or regain good health.

First: Everything is energy. The invisible, including thoughts and emotions, and the visible, including all kinds of matter, are made of energy. Each of us is made of energy.

Second: The equation E = mc² shows us that mass and energy are interchangeable. They can neither be created nor destroyed, but they can change form. Under the right conditions, energy can become mass, and vice versa. This opens the door to a unique way of seeing how lumps or tumors can resolve themselves through a mass-energy exchange.

Third: Nothing is separate; everything is connected. This allows us to see there are vital, interrelated factors that must be addressed for good health and healing to occur.

Fourth: Space and time are fused together into a single idea called space-time. They can’t be separated. All places, moments in history, actions, and events in your life can be described in terms of their location in space-time.

These modern science principles and theories correspond to the concepts behind Traditional Chinese Medicine. They point us to a profound understanding of the human body, its many interrelated connections, as well as time-tested energy techniques that can unlock healing potential.

This path offers a way to remove the fear of cancer that society assigns to breast health. The framework allows women to approach yearly mammograms not with dread, but as a life-affirming experience that reinforces the effectiveness of their self-healing. It is our mission to guide women toward the positive steps they can take every day to remain well and feel confident their efforts are rooted in ancient wisdomThe body manifests signs of imbalances eventually labeled as disease because a method for decoding these signs is unknown to us. But a system does exist and is knowable.