Qi Thursday, 7:30 PM (ET) Each Week
Join us! Each week we host a free 35 minute session and hold the posture, The Dragon Stands Between Heaven and Earth. Listen to the video below for a quick overview.
This practice is open to the public and we encourage everyone to join us weekly to establish a quality energy practice with a committed community.
We start our practice at 7:30 PM (ET) sharp. Due to the nature of the practice, once the meditation begins, we cannot admit late comers.
Sign-up for our newsletter below and we will send you weekly access code to the practice.
Stand in the posture, The Dragon Stands Between Heaven and Earth. Hold this posture for as long as you can. Then sit quietly and allow the groups energy field to nurture you. As time goes on, you will be able to stand longer and complete the full 30 minute practice.
The Dragon Stands Between Heaven and Earth
Our goal for Qi Thursday’s? To build energy resources. Here’s how:
Begin by copying the form in this video. Stand for as 5-10 minutes, then sit quietly. At first you may find this difficult. As time goes on, you will be able to stand longer and ultimately complete the full 30 minute practice. During group practice, stand for as long as you can then sit and allow the energy field to nurture you.
Sign-up for our newsletter below and you’ll receive weekly links to Qi Thursday!