This unique website was created by a community of individuals, each with life-changing discoveries when our lives met the unexpected. Yet we achieved major shifts by changing the way we view health, healing, and the body.

Through this online resource, we share our experiences and tools to create better health, offer support during diagnosis, enhance recovery after treatment and aid in preventative care. Our desire is to empower women to create a partnership with their bodies–moving beyond fear, finding inherent capabilities, and most of all, enjoying life. Natural healing takes effort and we’re here to support you.

Explore key insights and go deeper with interactive information shared on just about every page.

We are all energy beings living on this earth for a purpose. This purpose has a consciousness that in some way, some form must express itself. Consciousness will express itself as health or what is commonly called illness. Your beliefs, thoughts, and emotions are all part of this consciousness. To find answers, look within. 

Resources shared are natural healing tools that support a healthy lifestyle and aid the recovery process. No portion of this site is intended for diagnosis or treatment purposes and should not be used as such. See your primary care provider before taking herbal supplements or starting a new routine.

For information about our events and activities, visit